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Address: Perm 614017
23 Studencheskaya Ulitsa, rooms 110, 111

Phone: +7 (342) 205-52-41; 8 922 64 57 848

Teaching and Learning Specialist Nadezhda V. Barklyanskaya

e-mail: nbarklyanskaya@hse.ru
phone: 8 922 64 57 848

Деловой английский язык Учебно-методическое пособие для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов

Баранцева О. А., Крутько Е. А., Ремизова Вероника Германовна.

Perm: ПГГПУ, 2022.

Identifying American tourists’ unique experiences from the Lincoln Memorial

Smolyanina E., Morozova I., Kharitonova N. V.

Географический вестник. 2024. No. 2(69). P. 150-164.

Book chapter
Prejudice and ethnocentrism toward Asian Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic

Croucher S., Nguyen T., Ashwell D. et al.

In bk.: Research Handbook on Communication and Prejudice. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024. Ch. 17. P. 270-281.

Working paper
“The Attempt at Objectivity”: Modernism in Wyndham Lewis’s Popular Autobiography

Tulyakov D.

Literary Studies. WP BRP. Высшая школа экономики, 2016. No. 13/LS/2016.

Tag "ideas & experience" – News

HSE Perm Launches New Project with Ohio University

HSE Perm Launches New Project with Ohio University
The joint project of the Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages Tatyana Permyakova and the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages Marina Sheveleva became the winner of the US-Russia competition for the development of US-Russia University Virtual Partnership.